About Us
More Bulls. More Data. More Affordability.
For over Thirty years we have developed a program committed to producing easy fleshing bulls that travel, breed cows and not break down. Our unique forage-based performance test allows you to select bulls that fit your environment by testing them against each other in large contemporary groups.
Our priority is developing bulls for the true working rancher. Our performance test is designed to show their genetic differences while preparing them for longevity. Bulls are developed in large contemporary groups, so they learn to travel and eat forages. This spacious program is made to create a bull that will hold up and do his job for many years. Our team has listened to customers’ needs and is excited about the bulls we have developed.
As a result of hard work and dedication we can offer you the largest selection of bulls in the breed.

Bull Development and Efficiency Testing
All bulls are delivered post weaning to the Central Texas Bull Testing Facility located in Evant, Texas. They are then developed in a controlled environment with a silage-based ration. After acclimation they are tested in the GrowSafe, LLC for 55 days to measure Feed Efficiency. This system monitors each pound of feed the animal eats and weighs the animal when he goes to drink water, resulting in very accurate feed to gain data.
Following the test all bulls were then culled on disposition, feet, legs, growth and quality.
After yearling weights, ultrasound and scrotal measurements are recorded the bulls were then moved to bigger pasture where they were turned out on grass traps. After being on grass we give each bull his own Fleshing Ability score. This will reflect his ability to hold his condition on grass. These big pastures and supplemental feed have been the backbone of our success. Our unique forage test allows you to select bulls that fit your environment, travel, breed cows, and not break down.

Analyzing the Efficiency Testing Data
To better understand and utilize the data from our feed efficiency test we have created these two data points:
Efficiency Index
The "Efficiency Index" economically weights multiple traits to come up with a single measurement of performance. It is expressed in profit per animal. So for instance, the calves from $112 indexing bull would be expected to make $20 more per head than a $92 indexing animal. Average daily gain and residual feed intake are directly put into the index, while back fat is included as an adjustment to residual feed intake. This is done so that selection for higher indexing animals increases average daily gain, decreases intake, and has no effect on back fat.
Residual Feed Intake EPD
The "BOF RFI EPD" and Accuracy are similar to other EPDs, with the exception that they are specific to Beef On Forage. Animals with Lower RFI EPDs are more efficient in that they utilize less feed for a constant amount of gain.
Bulls for Ranchers who sell by the POUND!
- GrowSafe Efficiency Data
- Total performance evaluations
- Ultrasound Data
- BVD Free
- Fleshing Ability score
- Delivery Options
- Fertility and Trich tested
- Guaranteed 180 Days
- All bulls enrolled in Whole Herd Reporting
- Sight Unseen Bid Program

Contact Us
Derek Frenzel
Phone: 254-541-4643
Text JOIN to +1 (855) 970-3962 for Bull Sale Updates
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